Every day is a school day on this job. I'm in the fortunate position where I get to meet some incredibly interesting and talented people when I'm shooting the 'Meet the Makers' photographs, most of whom are at the top of their respective trade. Each shoot is different with it's own challenges. As with most shoots there's a lot of thinking on your feet, whilst trying to win round the confidence of your subject. I've yet to have one go south on me, which doesn't mean that will never happen, but so far so good, I really enjoy the challenge with these environmental portraits, it's all about the people, their skills, and how they've poured themselves into what they love doing, more often than not creating jobs for like minded workers along the way. Michael Hart was no exception, a well known name in hand crafted furniture, you have to see this work to understand the skill involved, from concept sketches to the finished articles, he has surrounded himself with the crafting talent required to take his designs into the real world. His workshop was such a rich and detailed environment to photograph, I could have been there way longer than I was.